Our fabrics on exhibition at Milan Design Week for Teatro Albers

On the occasion of Milan Design Week 2023, April 17-20, Ambra Medda and Veronica Sommaruga present the new AMO online platform through a collaboration with The Josef & Anni Albers Foundation for the Teatro Albers exhibition, a celebration of contemporary handmade design in the Theater of the Istituto Marcelline Tommaseo in Milan.

Teatro Albers espone le creazioni del designer londinese Marco Campardo e della maestra tessitrice pisana Laura de Cesare, in relazione con il lavoro e gli insegnamenti di Josef e Anni Albers.

Clerici Tessuto was pleased to collaborate on the exhibition by supplying the large-scale woven fabrics used as dividers and inspired by Anni’s distinctive works created for her 1949 solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Existing somewhere between art, architecture, and design – their inherent usefulness lies in the multiplicity of applications.

Works by Campardo and de Cesare, along with the woven room dividers by Clerici Tessuto, will be available to order on the newly launched AMO.shop – a platform devoted to presenting experimental design and supporting traditional methods of making. A portion of the proceeds will go to Le Korsa – a non-profit organization established by the Josef & Anni Albers Foundation – which is dedicated to supporting Senegalese institutions across healthcare, art, and education.

For more info: teatroalbers.com

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